Thursday, August 26, 2010

User Made Ct4780 Windows 7 Driver



The two sides of the Adriatic united by their passion for exploration .

was reached a cooperation agreement between the perigee and the first association of exploration, shipping, and culture in Croatia,'' CEIK - Braca Seljan ' ' located in the city of Karlovac and with whom he inaugurated the ' activities Perigeo Croatia is becoming a very important base of operations. The Croatian Association

plays, among others, research on the lives of Seljan brothers, two of Karlovac explorers at the beginning of the twentieth century have played valuable scientific explorations in Ethiopia and Peru, two countries where the perigee and present and established for many years. The activity dell’associazione croata si concretizza anche attraverso spedizioni scientifiche ed esplorative e si sposa perfettamente con le attività della Perigeo in questi paesi.

La collaborazione tra la Perigeo e la ’’CEIK Braća Seljan’’ è consolidata dalla storia personale tra il direttore della Perigeo, il dott Gianluca Frinchillucci e il segretario dell’Ass. Croata, dott. Mladen Postruznik conosciutisi ancora nel 1991 in occasione dell’impegno concreto che il dott Frinchillucci portò nei confronti della città di Karlovac durante il periodo più duro della guerra civile in Croazia.

Nuova energia nei rapporti tra Italia è Croazia is confirmed by a recent newspaper article that appeared in''Il Piccolo di Trieste in which''by news that the Croatian Supreme Court validated a decision of the Administrative Court in Zagreb that will allow foreigners to repossess or to be compensated for the loss of those assets that were confiscated after 1945. The majority of these compensations will be given to Italian citizens.

Marija Herceg
Perigeo International Association
Perigeo Head of Croatia and relations with Ethiopia


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