Monday, August 9, 2010

Sore Throat Hurt In Night

August 9, 2010: The Perigeo International and the International Day of Indigenous Peoples of the World

Ph: Young Surma of southern Ethiopia (Omo Valley), ph: G.Frinchillucci

Grande successo per l’organizzazione internazionale Perigeo Onlus unica associazione italiana le cui iniziative sono state segnale dalle Nazioni Unite in occasione della Giornata Internazionale dei Popoli Indigeni del Mondo indetta proprio dall’ONU per il 9 agosto .

Sono svariati i progetti portati avanti dalla Perigeo a fianco di questi popoli: PerĂ¹, Groenlandia, Etiopia e Nepal sono i principali scenari all'interno dei quali opera sia nel settore della divulgazione scientifica che in quello dei rapporti culturali e, da poco, anche con azioni mirate di aiuto umanitario.

Le iniziative sono state conceived by the director Gianluca Frinchillucci , a member of the Italian Anthropological Society, which since 1991 dealing with thematic studies of indigenous peoples in particular on the Ashaninkas Selva Central and the Inuit of Greenland and eastern Laura Bacalini , project manager of ' Association, who has been following the campaigns director of field research and international relations.

Relations with United Nations offices have been treated by Marija Herceg , delegated by Perigeo for relations with Ethiopia and head of the Croatian office of the association.

Perigeo In particular, the co-hosts along with Art Nomad of Montelago Celtic Festival, he edited during the event, the debates on the issue of cultural identity and relations with indigenous peoples, anointed the creation of panels and the projection of a video dedicated to Nency the Yamal peninsula, resulting in among other things, more than 1000 new contacts in just two days of the festival.

Among the ongoing initiatives of the perigee at the side of indigenous peoples include:

- Museums without Frontiers, the project of creating and using ethnographic museums as tools for promoting peace and intercultural dialogue. Museum as bridges between cultures and media preservation of identity;

- exchange between indigenous peoples designs, created with the Inuit of Ammassalik (International Polar Year) and now extended to Nency the Yamal Peninsula and the indigenous peoples of Ethiopia: Surma, Hamer and Ongota.

- genes tell the story of the people , genetic research project carried out in collaboration with the University of Bologna (Department of Evolutionary Biology) with samples of DNA in the Omo Valley in Ethiopia and among the Inuit of Greenland Eastern Europe.

- A Mission shaninkas : Campaign to help the Indian village of San Antonio Chen Selva Central in Peru.


Dott.ssa Laura Bacalini
Responsabile dei progetti della Perigeo onlus

cell. 00.39 3348434719


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