Monday, September 20, 2010

Toddler Has Warts What To Do

born Somali Action Award Perigeo

Somalia Perigeo Action is a small program of international cooperation that we are working to help the Puntland (the state of Somalia).

The stages of our work are:

1) preparing and sending a container with medical supplies and office
2) promoting relations with Puntland
3) design and implementation of an ethnographic museum to save the Somali culture
4) creation of an international conference dedicated to the Somali situation
5) mission in Somalia in January

To raise awareness of Puntland and our project, we published a dossier included a video on youtube about our mission in Somalia.

The dossier may be requested at perigee (

link to watch the video


Gianluca Frinchillucci
cultural delegation and director of Puntland Perigeo

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How Fast Does A 3 Hp Outboard Motor Go

science writer

The On 21 August 2010, I received the award for science writer at the 12th International Film Festival Natural and Environmental for the following reasons:
"by temperament and nature, we certainly can not call it a permanent type and is so easy bringing people together native of Ethiopia, Greenland, Siberian peninsula of Jamal, Nepal. To put it as

Thomas Edward Lawrence was one of those men who dream of the day and therefore are dangerous men, as to them is allowed to live the dream with open eyes and make it come true.

thank the organizers for recognizing and my friend and collaborator David Peluzzi , a recent Italian explorers.

(ph. David Peluzzi)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

User Made Ct4780 Windows 7 Driver



The two sides of the Adriatic united by their passion for exploration .

was reached a cooperation agreement between the perigee and the first association of exploration, shipping, and culture in Croatia,'' CEIK - Braca Seljan ' ' located in the city of Karlovac and with whom he inaugurated the ' activities Perigeo Croatia is becoming a very important base of operations. The Croatian Association

plays, among others, research on the lives of Seljan brothers, two of Karlovac explorers at the beginning of the twentieth century have played valuable scientific explorations in Ethiopia and Peru, two countries where the perigee and present and established for many years. The activity dell’associazione croata si concretizza anche attraverso spedizioni scientifiche ed esplorative e si sposa perfettamente con le attività della Perigeo in questi paesi.

La collaborazione tra la Perigeo e la ’’CEIK Braća Seljan’’ è consolidata dalla storia personale tra il direttore della Perigeo, il dott Gianluca Frinchillucci e il segretario dell’Ass. Croata, dott. Mladen Postruznik conosciutisi ancora nel 1991 in occasione dell’impegno concreto che il dott Frinchillucci portò nei confronti della città di Karlovac durante il periodo più duro della guerra civile in Croazia.

Nuova energia nei rapporti tra Italia è Croazia is confirmed by a recent newspaper article that appeared in''Il Piccolo di Trieste in which''by news that the Croatian Supreme Court validated a decision of the Administrative Court in Zagreb that will allow foreigners to repossess or to be compensated for the loss of those assets that were confiscated after 1945. The majority of these compensations will be given to Italian citizens.

Marija Herceg
Perigeo International Association
Perigeo Head of Croatia and relations with Ethiopia

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Initiation Ideas Alcohol

Travel in Egypt

Travel in Egypt
Gianluca Frinchillucci

Cairo, Cairo, November 17, 2009
I've been to Egypt four times and each time I appreciate more and more. I was amazed at the sight of the library of the monastery of St. Catherine, I ascended the holy mountain of Sinai where, according tradition Moses received the Tablets of the Law of God, drank tea with the Bedouins, nestled in the beautiful waters of the Red Sea, which came in the tombs of the Valley of Kings and walked between the columns of the temple of Karnak in Luxura ... but I want to know the Cairo, the pyramids come and see the treasures of Tutankhamen in the Egyptian Museum and visit the Italian shrine of El Alamein.
In my little village was founded by a Comboni missionary who now lives in Cairo, Father Giuseppe Cruciani. We've known ever since he was a friend of my father. He invites me to join him in Cairo to meet his missionary reality.
When Cairo has now come to the evening and go through a chaotic city. We reach the headquarters of the Comboni Missionaries, Father Giuseppe Cruciani has seventy-three, was born at Sant'Angelo in Pontano, my country, and was a friend of my father. He spent most of his life in Sudan has a degree in biology in 1991 and is in Cairo. His house is just ten minutes walk from the Cairo Museum.
curious Among the many memories I have of him as a child, any one is related to his passion for electronics: Sony used a radio-wave pattern which takes the stations around the world. I was fascinated. Among the many memories of our meetings just mentioned visti, c’è stato anche questo e padre Giuseppe ha preso una vecchia scatola e me l’ha data: conteneva la radio che avevo sognato in gioventù. “Ormai è superata, usiamo il cellulare per tutto”, mi ha detto. Per me rimane uno degli oggetti magici della mia adolescenza: essere collegati con tutto il mondo.
Padre Giuseppe assiste una comunità di profughi sudanesi sfuggiti ai massacri nella loro terra. Stiamo un po’ con loro e coinvolgiamo  i bambini della scuola comboniana nel nostro scambio di disegni “Amici dal mondo”. Visitiamo anche le suore di Madre Teresa che assistono orfani e anziani in uno dei quartieri più poveri del Cairo.
With Father Joseph also visited the old part of Cairo, including the well of Moses next to the synagogue and the church that stands in the place where tradition did Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus
arrange a visit to the shrine of El Alamein military where lie buried the paratroopers of the Folgore, float makers of Littorio and air, the soldiers of Pavia and young Libyans in the classified files of the Italian army. The latter buried next to a beautiful mosque. The Battle of El Alamein was compared to that of many of Thermopylae in August 19 480 to . C.
We pay homage to the graves of the fallen leaves and Laura a very moving message on the visitor log.
broken down and the road is a plaque: "He missed the chance no value." Italian troops arrived in 111 km from Alexandria. We reach the famous city to visit the harbor area where the lighthouse stood.
arrived in Cairo very late and we fall asleep talking about Tutankhamen. The next day we start with a guide to the pyramids found by his father Joseph. His name is Peter , Italianate his name. He has worked in business with a gentleman of Bari and knows a few words of Italian. It is very nice and told us in English a couple of jokes about policemen.
went with him to the discovery of Pharaonic Cairo.
The first step is to Saqqara, the necropolis of the city of Memphis . The site is huge and we decided to focus the visit on only a few elements. The first stop is a visit outside of the large stepped pyramid of Zoser . It was built in 2800 to . C. and reaches a height of 62 meters .
L’architetto Imhotep che l’ha costruita, ebbe la rivoluzionaria intuizione di rompere con la tradizione, infatti, fino a quel momento le tombe erano sotterranee costruite con mattoni di fango. La sua straordinaria capacità di lavorare la pietra gli permise di creare la più grande struttura in materiale lapideo.
little further on, in north-east, is the pyramid of Teti , the first king of Dynasty VI and visitors, with a very nice and unlikely senior Egyptian guide. He invites us to photograph the interior and of course asks us a small tip to the exit. There are very few tourists to visit and the atmosphere is very exciting.
After a narrow corridor on the left is the burial chamber, sacked in the past, with the sarcophagus of basalt. In the ceiling are shown at the stars e le pareti sono coperte di geroglifici.
Scatto alcune fotografie stupende dell’interno che stridono un po’ con la vista esterna della piramide depredata nell’antichità. La piramide si Teti è stata scoperta dall’archeologo francese Mariette nel 1850 e in origine era a gradoni colmati e rivestiti di calcare.
Ripartiamo dopo la visita per raggiungere le tre piramidi più famose: quelle di Giza .
In Egitto, alla sinistra del corso del Nilo ci sono circa settanta piramidi che ci accompagnano da 4500 anni. Le più famose sono le tre dei faraoni Cheope , Chefren e Micerino , risalenti alla IV dinastia (2700-2500 ca. a.C.), l’unica delle sette meraviglie del mondo antico giunta fino ai giorni nostri.
Nei loro pressi sorgono la Sfinge , alcune piramidi minori e diverse tombe di funzionari. Lo spettacolo è imponente. Camminiamo da una piccola altura e raggiungiamo le piramidi attraversando un breve tratto di deserto. Entriamo nella piramide più grande, quella di Cheope.
Non mi lascio andare ad espressioni del tipo “non è terrestre”, ma sento dentro di me a strong spiritual. The large burial chamber inside the pyramid is a perfect work of engineering.
Inside, a group of young Westerners, he is practicing meditation.
probably the Pharaoh has never rested in the room and then what is it worth? How was it possible to create something so perfect? What knowledge did they have? As they moved the boulders. Millions of boulders weighing several tons each.
In Italy, just before leaving I contacted the surveyor Civitanova, Elio Diomede, the man who ha elaborato una teoria rivoluzionaria che potrebbe spiegare come sono state costruite le piramidi, e la sua non è un’illuminazione extraterrestre, ma solo buon senso e tanta genialità. Lui ha pensato ad una particolare slitta in legno e a un sistema di trasporto basato su piccoli assi in legno. Con il suo sistema pochi uomini possono spostare pesi enormi.
Diomedi ha ipotizzato l’uso di rotaie in legno accuratamente ingrassate con grasso animale dove sopra scivola una slitta con il masso da trainare.
Elio mi mette in contatto con M. S. , un archeologo egiziano che lavora al Museo egizio and works with Awassa Zahi, the most famous Egyptian archaeologist, the new Indiana Jones.
Professor. Awassa and dr. S. came often in the Marche to meet Elio Diomede. Professor of him. Awassa said " Personally I do not know whether the Egyptians actually used the technique proposed by Elio but it certainly is the most logical. If you believe in reincarnation, I believe that Diomede was the architect of the Pyramid ”. Non mi rendo molto conto della scoperta di Diomedi , ne parlo a lungo con il dott. Sadek al Museo del Cairo. È molto giovane ed elegante. Ci dice subito che poiché conosciamo Elio Diomedi siamo amici suoi. Ha una stima infinita per il geometra marchigiano, dice subito che nessuno ha mai raggiunto al mondo i suoi risultati. Parla perfettamente l’italiano ed è un vero fiume in piena.
     Su indicazione di M. visito la stanza n. 79, dove c’è appeso alla parete un’anonima slitta in legno, numero di catalogo 5460. Il sogno degli archeologi egiziani e sperimentare the use of the slide according to the theory of Elio Diomedi .
visit the Egyptian Museum, I produce the Stendhal syndrome. I have tears in his eyes and senses confused. MS waiting for me sitting outside the entrance to the museum. I try many employees, he solves all the duties and tells us about his Egypt.
"Two-thirds of Egyptian archaeological material is still to be discovered," says Sadek, and continues: "prof. Awassa is collaborating with a law that proposes life imprisonment for tomb robbers. Around the pyramids of Giza there are still many things to trovare ma il prof. Awass ha il sogno di scoprire la vera camera sepolcrale della grande piramide, probabilmente ancora intatta nascosta da muri molto spessi. Con un piccolo robot è entrato in un cunicolo e ha trovato una porta sigillata, ora deve capire come entrare senza far crollare tutto.”
Parliamo di e della Valle dei Re : “mancano alcune tombe di faraoni all’appello. Il professore è convinto che ne troverà una, prima o poi, saccheggiata o intatta, comunque ancora non scoperta”.
Gli racconto della mia recente visita con la famiglia alla Valla dei Re e della passione di my son for the Egyptian and the tomb of Tutankhamen . My son a few days ago was enchanted by a documentary on the prof. Awassa and the tomb of the boy pharaoh, literally fascinated. Is intrigued by something.
will tell the prof. Awassa your child and try to get you when you return. So your child will have a picture with him.
I leave the museum with my friends and go to the mission. No one speaks, we all look back and absorbed the beautiful encounter that we have done and seen objects. I recall the phrase that heads on the official website prof. Awassa : "for me, archeology, is not a just a job. It combines Everything That I Could want-imagination, intellect, action and adventure. "
I think back to the archaeological sites I have visited around the world that I participated in the excavations and our recent expedition in the Andes of Peru in search of the lost city of Chicu and I can not make my the words of the professor. In particular, I can not make a comparison with the extraordinary discovery of the tomb of Sipan in 1987 in Peru. In that year, the Peruvian archaeologist Walter Alva discovered an intact tomb of a Moche king, the largest pre-Columbian archaeological discoveries. I spoke at length with Alva and I spent so much time looking at the findings of el Sipan tomb. I noticed in the words of Susan Alva , the talented archeologist wife of Walter, the same passion and the same faith that the archaeologists of the Egyptian museum. I am reminded of a phrase from the film Indiana Jones : "Archaeology is our religion."
is true, there is no action in our research, intellect, adventure, but also a very strong spiritual charge that leads us to believe what we do like a religion, ignoring a world of pure scientism that no longer wants to hear about romance and dreams, but of realism and coolness.
So my search continues behind the myths of the past, knowing that I'll never get to the end but my path will take me back even in the heart of Egypt, and who knows maybe one day to imitate the great archaeologists their findings in the past.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sore Throat Hurt In Night

August 9, 2010: The Perigeo International and the International Day of Indigenous Peoples of the World

Ph: Young Surma of southern Ethiopia (Omo Valley), ph: G.Frinchillucci

Grande successo per l’organizzazione internazionale Perigeo Onlus unica associazione italiana le cui iniziative sono state segnale dalle Nazioni Unite in occasione della Giornata Internazionale dei Popoli Indigeni del Mondo indetta proprio dall’ONU per il 9 agosto .

Sono svariati i progetti portati avanti dalla Perigeo a fianco di questi popoli: Perù, Groenlandia, Etiopia e Nepal sono i principali scenari all'interno dei quali opera sia nel settore della divulgazione scientifica che in quello dei rapporti culturali e, da poco, anche con azioni mirate di aiuto umanitario.

Le iniziative sono state conceived by the director Gianluca Frinchillucci , a member of the Italian Anthropological Society, which since 1991 dealing with thematic studies of indigenous peoples in particular on the Ashaninkas Selva Central and the Inuit of Greenland and eastern Laura Bacalini , project manager of ' Association, who has been following the campaigns director of field research and international relations.

Relations with United Nations offices have been treated by Marija Herceg , delegated by Perigeo for relations with Ethiopia and head of the Croatian office of the association.

Perigeo In particular, the co-hosts along with Art Nomad of Montelago Celtic Festival, he edited during the event, the debates on the issue of cultural identity and relations with indigenous peoples, anointed the creation of panels and the projection of a video dedicated to Nency the Yamal peninsula, resulting in among other things, more than 1000 new contacts in just two days of the festival.

Among the ongoing initiatives of the perigee at the side of indigenous peoples include:

- Museums without Frontiers, the project of creating and using ethnographic museums as tools for promoting peace and intercultural dialogue. Museum as bridges between cultures and media preservation of identity;

- exchange between indigenous peoples designs, created with the Inuit of Ammassalik (International Polar Year) and now extended to Nency the Yamal Peninsula and the indigenous peoples of Ethiopia: Surma, Hamer and Ongota.

- genes tell the story of the people , genetic research project carried out in collaboration with the University of Bologna (Department of Evolutionary Biology) with samples of DNA in the Omo Valley in Ethiopia and among the Inuit of Greenland Eastern Europe.

- A Mission shaninkas : Campaign to help the Indian village of San Antonio Chen Selva Central in Peru.


Dott.ssa Laura Bacalini
Responsabile dei progetti della Perigeo onlus

cell. 00.39 3348434719

Michaels Party Favours

International Day of Indigenous Peoples of the World

  9 AGOSTO 2010
Giornata Internazionale dei Popoli Indigeni del Mondo
International Day of the World’s Indigenous People

    The International Perigeo , in the belief that cultural diversity as a tool for the dissemination and maintenance of peace, the heritage of all humanity, is engaged for years in the protection and enhancement of cultural identities and expressions of indigenous peoples .
This belief is reflected in the draft practice ''Museums Without Borders'' which provides for the creation of ethnographic museums in various parts of the world as a place of storage of the material culture of peoples but also tools to meet, study and study of material culture e dei sistemi di conoscenza dei popoli indigeni a cui l’associazione pone un attenzione particolare.

   Il progetto ’’Amici dal mondo - conoscere gli altri disegnando casa’’ , portato avanti grazie anche alle basi operative costituite dai musei, consiste nello scambio disegni fatti dai bambini dei popoli indigeni con cui collaboriamo.
Tali disegni portati nelle scuole e nei nostri musei, sono stati mostrati ai bambini e, partendo dai disegni delle case, dei paesaggi e degli oggetti della cultura materiale ,sono statie mostrate ai bambini le differenze culturali e ambientali degli altri bambini.

I Popoli Indigeni con cui la Perigeo collabora sono: i Suri , gli Hamer , gli Ongota e i Kunama dell’Etiopia; gli Inuit della Groenlandia orientale; i Nency della Penisola di Jamal (Siberia occidentale) e i Tamang del Nepal.

La Perigeo è diretta da  Gianluca Frinchillucci

Feet Smell Fromnylons

Puntland launches new raid on Qaeda-linked militia

Puntland launches new raid on Qaeda-linked militia

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Normocytic Hypochromic Anaemia

Shipping Perigeo Ex-plore

Shipping Man and Environment
Peru 2010
Perigeo Ex-plore

Waiting for the official press release to announce that the expedition went bensisimo and we have achieved all the objectives.

We started with a request from local authorities to Perigeo have coofinaziato shipping. While eravamo a Huancabamba è arrivato il Patrocinio della Lega Ambiente Nazionale. 

Foto di Andrea Zampa. Pierfrancesco mentre osserva Laura e Luca durante i rilievi del lago Inca Rey (Ph: Andrea Zampa)

Uno di noi tre in immersione

Vicino al lago le bandiere della Peigeo, della Sagittarius e della Marchand Company Franz Rinaldi

A tent in our camp (ph.Andrea Paw). The strong wind destroyed the whole field as well as our constant companion of her adventure ........... we had repaired in Svalbard, Greenland, various parts of Africa .....

in the lagoon were the Inca Rey:

Frinchillucci Gianluca, Massimo Intini, Pierfrancesco Intini, Laura Bacalini, Paul Shepherd, Andrea Zampa, Dionisio Guerrero, Luca Natali, Samuel Sagripanti, Victor Agurto Colina, a shaman and his assistant.

Fedde intense, strong wind, in short, amazing !!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Holsten Pils Addictive

Mater approaching Earth ... New Shipment

(photo: Andrea Zampa, 2010. I sub Massimo Intini, Pierfrancesco Intini e Gianluca Frinchillucci, nella laguna dell'Inca Rey, a 3700 mt in Peru)

Sono appena rientrato dalle Ande dove ci siamo immersi in un lago a 3700 metri di quota e fatto vari campionamenti scientifici in ambiente estremo che già sogno di tornare sulle montagne...

Con il mitico Davide Pelu:zzi stiamo lavorando alla spedizione Earth Mater , un sogno che si sta avverando...
Per maggiori informazioni:

An expedition in the third pole, made in the name of the great explorers of the past as

The Duca degli Abruzzi , uncle of the famous Duke of Aosta, in charge of a large company that reached a latitude north polar never touched by man . The Duke about the advantage of making shipments wrote:
" often discussed is the usefulness of polar expeditions. If we consider only the moral advantage which is obtained from such shipments, I believe it sufficient to compensate for the sacrifices they make. Like the men, who struggles daily with overcoming the difficulties, they feel stronger to deal with major, so it is of Nations that the success reported by their children should feel more encouraged and urged to continue their efforts to their own greatness and prosperity .

Project Ex-plore will give birth to many young people the desire to penetrate the gates of fire and ice of the unknown and to know our land.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cute Want To Date Sayins

International Year of Biodiversity
Perigeo International Shipping underwater in lakes
Huancabamba (Peru)

June 14 left Italy for the second shipment of Italian research - the Peruvian International Perigeo dedicated to the study and knowledge of the lakes in the Cordillera of Huancabamba (Northern Andes of Peru).


The expedition will cover the area known as the Andean mountain range of Sierra Huancabamba (Region Piura, northern Peru).
The area has very high strategic importance for two main reasons: firstly because of the ecological characteristics of this delicate ecosystem of the mountains (called páramo), precious reserve of biodiversity, the source permanent fresh water to the desert coast piurana and the ability to store atmospheric carbon, helping to control global warming, because the other side due to the presence of the sacred lagoons Huaringas, these places are considered one of the most important centers of medical traditional Andean America.

Previous research:

Last year during the expedition "Northern Andes. Man and Environment 2009 "in this area we carried out research on medicinal plants used by shamans and healers of Huaringas, an exploration of the field in the middle of the Sural Cordillera, where there are ruins of an unknown città attraversata dal Cammino Reale degli Incas, e un’immersione subacquea in una Huaringas adiacente ai resti del Camino (3600 mt/slm), sulle cui sponde sono state incontrate incisioni su pietra con che suggeriscono una probabile funzione sacrale di quello specchio d’acqua.

Oltre all’immersione nella laguna è stata svolta una ricerca «di altissimo interesse nell’arena scientifica internazionale, in quanto finalizzata alla valutazione della biodiversità acquatica di ambienti – limite di alta quota (3.400 m s.l.m. circa) che manifestano peculiarità ambientali uniche al mondo», per conto dell’Università dell’Aquila - Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali e sotto la supervisione della prof.ssa Diana M.P. Galassi, responsabile scientifico per la sezione di zoologia acquatica dell’Università dell’Aquila. Le analisi hanno portato alla scoperta di un microrganismo sconosciuto, che sarà presto reso alla scienza.

Già nell’ottobre del 1999 una squadra composta da Gianluca Frinchillucci, Paolo Pastori, l’archeologa peruviana Lorena Zúniga e la guida andina Dionisio Guerrero, effettuò esplorazione attraverso la Cordigliera di Huamaní nel settore del Monte Mójica, che una leggenda locale associa con la città perduta di Chicuate e l’anno successivo, in una seconda ricognizione, vennero ritrovate le misteriose rovine della città perduta che ora stiamo indagando.

Scopi della spedizione “Ande del Nord. Uomo e Ambiente 2010”:

La seconda spedizione della Perigeo in quest’area dovrà servire a confermare i risultati ottenuti durante la scorsa del 2009:

1. Verrà effettuata una seconda immersione subacquea nel lago d’alta quota per realizzare ulteriori campionamenti e analisi per la ricerca di microrganismi;

2. L’archeologa peruviana della perigeo, Lorena Zúniga effettuerà rilevamenti per verificare l’ipotesi che i resti della città perduta corrispondano a quelli della leggendaria Chicuate.

Quest’anno inoltre sono previste ricerche sul DNA per conto University of Bologna - Department of Biology ..

The International Perigeo

Perigeo The International has been active since its establishment in experiences and activities that promote the importance of the glocal concepts of nature and anthropology, with specific interventions in areas of particular local interest that have international repercussions.
is currently active, as well as in Peru in Somalia, for which she is representative of relations with the government of Puntland, Ethiopia and Nepal and is soon to open an office in Croatia.
In accordance with the vision described above, promotes local action for the recovery of assets (both environmental and cultural) e di promozione degli stessi a livello internazionale attraverso la creazione di reti di diffusione mondiale, come ad esempio nel progetto “Musei Senza Frontiere”.
Opera anche in Italia dove è impegnata in progetti per il recupero e la tutela delle tradizioni popolari. Con il progetto “Le Radici Profonde non gelano” pensato per diffondere una “cultura delle radici“ nelle scuole e tra le fasce più giovani della popolazione, si intende anche favorire l’integrazione degli immigrati attraverso un percorso di conoscenza reciproca che si completa nel progetto “Nuovi Italiani” pensato per le seconde generazioni di immigrati.
Verso il recupero e la diffusione delle tradizioni locali e europee si muove also the Celebration of Celtic Montelago, which each year brings back the spirit of this people Marche Apennines along with thousands of young people, which Perigeo participates as co-responsible for organizing cultural content.
also promotes training in the mountains through the management of a shelter and organization of courses.

Shipping "Northern Andes. Man and Environment 2010 "consists of:

Gianluca Frinchillucci, Director of International Perigeo, Sub and Head of Shipping
Paul Pastors Association, contact the Peruvian Perigeo International, Historic
Bacalini Laura, Head of Projects Perigeo International
Dionisio Guerrero, guida andina della Perigeo International
Intini Massimo, Sommozzatore responsabile tecnico, Associazione Perigeo International
Intini Pierfrancesco, Sommozzatore, Associazione Perigeo International
Lorena Zúñiga, archeologa peruviana della Perigeo International
Luca Natali, Archeologo, Associazione Perigeo International
Samuele Sacripanti, Organizzazione logistica, Associazione Perigeo International
Andrea Zampa, Biologo, Associazione Perigeo International

Collaboratori dall’Italia
Giorgio Marinelli, Presidente della Perigeo International
Davide Peluzzi, Responsabile della Perigeo International Abruzzo
Francesco Rinaldi, Collaboratore della Perigeo International

Umberto Pelizzari


Intermatica – Telefonia satellitare
Marchand Company – di Umano Alfredo Teodori
Tremiti Diving Center – di Tonino Cappelletti
Mico Beta Tester Team
Foto CMR - Macerata
Leip TV

Report attività 2009 della Perigeo

Materiale disponibile:
Mostra fotografica dedicata a Huancabamba

Dopo la spedizione andina, dal 1° luglio, ci sarà una seconda parte di lavoro in Perù dedicata ad a social project which we are next to Pilar Urbina, coordinator of the street educators in Lima, for a project on street children and orphanage for the restructuring Juan Pablo primero, in the suburb of San Miguel. Coming soon

detailed information and news from the expedition.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rabbit Hutch Plans Outdoor


The Perigeo non-profit organization for the International Year of Biodiversity 2010. Program
underwater expedition in the Andes of northern Peru 2010

Paolo Pastori
Responsabile della Perigeo Perù

Scopi della spedizione
La spedizione di Perigeo nelle Ande del Nord del Perú ha come fine la valorizzazione di un delicato ecosistema di alta montagna che costituisce una preziosa riserva di biodiversità ed una fonte permamente di acqua dolce, e che allo stesso tempo rappresenta uno dei più importanti centri di medicina tradizionale dell’America Andina. Le Lagune Huaringas, un gruppo di laghi situati fra i 3000 e i 3500 metri di quota nella sierra di Huancabamba (Regione Piura, Perú settentrionale), occupano da tempo immemorabile un posto importante nella geografia sacra andina, e svolgono ancora ai nostri giorni un ruolo centrale nelle pratiche magico-religiose degli attuali curanderos, eredi di una millenaria tradizione sciamanica, ricevendo ogni anno migliaia di pellegrini che vengono a bagnarsi nelle loro gelide acque, alle quali si attribuiscono speciali proprietà curative. Intorno alle Huaringas esistono inoltre numerosi siti archeologici semi-inesplorati, che sono ancora in attesa di studi sistematici ad opera di specialisti e che, una volta restaurati, potrebbero integrare un originale circuito turistico. La bellezza e la diversità dei paesaggi che si succedono fra la verde vallata interandina del Río Huancabamba, le steppe di alta quota e le cime severe della Cordigliera di Huamaní (nome di questo settore della Cordigliera Occidentale, che si riferisce agli spiriti delle montagne venerati dagli antichi abitanti della regione) sono tali da lasciare un ricordo indelebile nel visitatore.
Purtroppo, questa terra così bella e speciale affronta antichi problemi e nuove minacce: al tradizionale disinteresse da parte delle autorità centrali e regionali, causa di emarginazione e povertà delle aree rurali altoandine, si uniscono i conflitti sociali e le minacce ambientali provocate da un progetto mining located right on the mountain range of Huaman, close to the source of three major rivers (Quiroz, and Huancabamba Chinchipe) and the granting of which includes the entire field of sacred lakes, if the project becomes operational, mining (copper, molybdenum and gold) could cause devastating pollution that can contaminate one side of the ground water and to wipe out the forests of the mountains, and secondly to eradicate forever the tradition of the curanderos Huaringas Reservoirs.
's expedition in this Year of Biodiversity Onlus Perigeo 2010, consequently designed to exploit the potential of the area of \u200b\u200bthe harmonic Huancabamba equilibrio attualmente esistente fra risorse naturali e patrimonio spirituale, allo scopo di favorire l’ecoturismo, la conservazione dell’ambiente e l’identità culturale delle popolazioni locali. Nel corso della spedizione saranno effettuate immersioni nei laghi della cordigliera, realizzando video e fotografie subacquee. Si svolgeranno incontri con le comunità e le autorità locali, e si informerà la popolazione dei risultati della precedente spedizione attraverso una mostra fotografica.

Precedenti di ricerca
Nell’ottobre del 1999 una squadra composta dall’antropologo Gianluca Frinchillucci, lo storico Paolo Pastori, l’archeologa Lorena Zuniga Peruvian Andes and the guide Dionisio Guerrero, conducted a brief exploration through the Cordillera of Huaman in the area of \u200b\u200bMonte Mojica, a local legend associated with the lost city of Chicu.
Between June and July 2009 we held the shipment "Northern Andes 2009 Perigeo of non-profit organization, at which have been carried out several activities, including research on ethnobotany medicinal plants used by shamans and healers of Huaringas, an exploration of the field in the middle of the Sural Cordillera, where there are ruins of an unknown city on the Camino Real of the Incas, and dive underwater in a nearby lake, on whose banks were faced with engraved stones suggesting a probable function of the sacred lake.

The natural environment
Huancabamba the latitude, the Andes change their southeast-northwest direction to turn to the northeast, and at the same time decrease their average height, allowing air currents wet from Amazonia to overcome the obstacle represented by the Cordillera and download not only abundant rainfall in the valleys interandine but also on the side of the Pacific. This creates a climate much milder and less dry than alle aride e fredde steppe che caratterizzano la regione della “puna”, tipica delle Ande Centrali.
La sierra di Piura, che comprende le due provincie di Ayabaca e Huancabamba, è l’unica zona del Perú dove esiste l’ecosistema del “páramo”, che si estende sino al Venezuela e che insieme ai superstiti boschi di alta montagna possiede un’elevata capacità di trattenere l’umidità atmosferica, per poi liberarla lentamente e costantemente alimentando le acque superficiali e sotterranee que rendono possibile la pratica dell’agricoltura e la vita stessa nelle aride pianure costiere. Mentre i grandi ghiacciai andini stanno sciogliendosi e vanno scomparendo con una rapidità alarming, foreshadowing the dramatic scenarios of desertification and abandonment of the cities of the Peruvian coast, the function of the Sierra de Piura as a permanent source of fresh water makes it a strategic resource in the service of social and environmental balance, which could be irreparably compromised in the name of a mistaken conception of development, subject to the interests of foreign multinationals.
Both the mountain forests, full of tall trees, such as the páramo where instead dominated by herbaceous vegetation formations, hold an important biodiversity, including endangered species like the spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) and the mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) , a large variety of birds and dozens of species of medicinal herbs. The climate is characterized by frecuenti precipitation and formation of fog banks, above ten thousand feet, temperatures are generally low, although very rarely fall below 0 ° C. The ground is marshy and often dark-colored for its high content of organic matter, which makes it a reserve of carbon comparable to that of rainforests.

Shamans are considered by the curators of Huancabamba charismatic knowledge of medicinal plants and therapeutic techniques in medicine popolare uniscono il dono della visione, che permette loro di individuare le cause reali di una malattia o uno squilibrio psico-fisico, e che viene raggiunta attraverso l’uso sacralizzato di certe piante allucinogene, fra le quali predomina per importanza il “San Pedro” o “Huachuma” (Trichocereus pachanoi) , cactus mescalinico dalle proprietà psicoattive affini a quelle del più celebre peyote mesoamericano (Lophophora williamsii) .
Gli sciamani di Huancabamba realizzano durante il giorno le loro cerimonie ancestrali in riva ai laghi sacri, dove accompagnano i pazienti per effettuare le abluzioni rituali, e di notte attorno alla loro “mesa curandera”, l’altare which brings together a collection of different objects, arranged on a symbolic representation of the universe and the power of magic loaded "Encantos" spiritual entities belonging to the mountains, lagoons and medicinal herbs which assist the operator that magic with them has made a commitment ("compact") . In fact, as always happens in this type of tradition, the world is conceived as a whole animated, in which every being - human, animal, plant, rock, mountain, lake, spring - is a living entity has a material body and a spiritual counterpart.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Most Reliable Pc Brands

Shipping Mather Earth

By David Peluzzi are organizing Earth Mater, a research expedition and mountaineering in Nepal.
thank Mico Sport for the support that is giving us.

The organization of the expedition is organized by the International Perigeo and Ex-plore International.

Can I Shower After I Wax?


Perigeo Thanks to the International NGO, in the Puntalnd State University
Somali-Italian relations reborn

Galkayo (Puntland State of Somalia)

The  political  and  cultural Authorities  of Puntland State  of Somalia  and  the  Italian Organization Perigeo International signed on the 13th  of May 2010 an historic agreement in the Somali Studies Center of Puntland State University - Galkayo Compus.

For  the  first  time  in history of Puntland,  relations between  Italy and Somalia have been recovered and a new office was born and started the first “Nucleo of a Ethnographic Museum to safeguard the Somali Cultural Heritage”. Laura Bacalini , projects manager and Gianluca Frinchillucci , Director of Perigeo  International  took part  in  the  Italian mission  to Somalia.

A deep and strong relationship between  Italy and Somalia based on historical  ties was already existing in the past. We think, as you should also think that Italy and Somalia are  friend countries and  the  friends  indeed help  their  friends  in need ” as declared by  the Vice-president of the Puntland, Abdisamed Ali Shire .

The  Puntland  Parliament  Speaker,  Abdirashid  Mohamed  Hersi ,  quotes  “ The broken heart of Somalis can be cured by  the rebirth of  the  inter-relation office among our two populations and our two Countries” .

Hussein Abukar   (Somali  representative of Perigeo  International) declares his will to  see  the Puntland  being  in  close  relationship with  Italy  and with  the  rest  of  the world through cultural and social  ties, as well as with  Italians and worldwide centers,  thanks  to the Perigeo International.

Museums without borders is the title of the Perigeo project carried on in Somalia, which  is already active  in different parts of  the world  like Kofale city  in Ethiopia  (Oromya Region), and with other three museums which are currently at the implementation phase in three other areas of the Country.

Museums as bridges of peace between peoples and  cultures,  little Peacemaking operations. To recover and safeguard the cultural heritage is of primary importance for the future of a population ”, as declared by Dr. Gianluca Frinchillucci, conceiver of the Project.

The  idea  has  been  promoted  by  Prof. Mohamed  Jama ,  Rector  of  the  Puntland
State University of Galkayo: “ After many years of lack from the Somali scene, it is offered
to  Italy  the  opportunity  to  contribute,  together  with  other  Nations,  to  the  Somali
reconstruction;  contribution which  can  determine  an  important  role  for  the  revival  of  the
historical ties and relationships between this two Countries. That’s why I thank the Perigeo
Association for this very important effort

Puntland is a reality that Italy and the whole Europe can not ignore and that is often unclearly  described  by  the  international media,  giving  the  impression  of  a  total  lack  of political  power  presence.  Indeed  this  political  power  is  present  at many  administrations levels,  that  take  care  of  both  social  and  political  affair  and  does  not  want  to  separate Somalia but proposes a federal model for the well being of the whole Country.

The  health  sector  in  Puntland  needs  absolutely  urgent  help  by  the  international community.  There  is  a  doctor  every  40.000  inhabitants  and  the  IDP  (Internal Displaced People) Refugee Camps start  to become a  real problem. We need doctors and medical staff ”, this declaration is made by Abdullahi Warsame , Minister of health, to the Perigeo.

 “ We believe  that hope will be born again  in Puntland  for  the whole Somalia – as
declared by Laura Bacalini -  and we in particular, as Italians, have the moral duty to help
and sustain developments and peace projects here

Friday, May 21, 2010

Skates For Flat Narrow Feet

Misna news on Somalia
21/5/2010 8.56

An unprecedented initiative to "re-establish relations and relations with Italian authorities are interested in twinning and partnerships with our here in Somalia," in the words of the governor of Mudug region, Ahmed Ali Salad, creating the nucleus of a 'Museum of Ethnography' that will work to save the Somali cultural heritage is the product of an agreement signed this week at the ' Somali Studies Center ' of Puntland State University in Galkayo in the state of Puntland, including the Italian organization ' Perigeo International 'cultural and political authorities and Somali.

"The relationship between Italy e la Somalia è un rapporto fortissimo che ha radici storiche profonde” ha ricordato il vice-presidente del Puntland , Abdisamed Ali Shire .

Gli ha fatto eco il presidente del parlamento del Puntland, Abdirashid Mohamed Hersi , secondo il quale “la rinascita del legame tra i nostri due popoli e i nostri due paesi potrà essere un grande sollievo per il cuore ferito della Somalia”.

L’iniziativa rientra nel progetto ‘Musei senza frontiere’ portato avanti dall’associazione italiana e già attivo nella città di Kofale in Etiopia, nell’Oromya, e con tre centri in fase di realizzazione in altre aree del paese.

"Museums as bridges of peace between peoples and cultures, small operations 'Peacemaking'. Retrieve and save the cultural heritage is crucial for the future of a people "highlighted Gianluca Frinchillucci , creator of the project.

Among the other priorities of the health area that stands out Puntland, said local health minister, Ali Abdullahi Warsame , "in urgent need of help and sojavascript: void (0) Stegne by the international community" in a territory where he has one doctor per 40,000 inhabitants and the presence of refugee camps.

Waxing Ottawa Reviews

... a dream .. Somalia-Italy

By David Peluzzi we are realizing a dream ... we have a TV on the Internet, to tell our explorations, research ....

Channel TV and it was called Explora we are creating through LEIPTV

The link to see the channel is:

For the moment there is only our interviews, but soon we will start the programming.

We are working on the editorial board.

In our programs will become the channel on the internet Perigeo International.

We dedicate our channel to the great explorers of the past who dared to cross the gates of the unknown :
Joseph Tucci, the Duke of Abruzzi, Umberto Nobile, John Ajmone Cat .....

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Maxtor One 300 Gb Driver

In Puntland State University through Perigeo Onlus International, reborn Italo-Somali relations

Galkayo ( Puntland State of Somalia).

was signed Thursday, May 13, 2010 a historic agreement on the premises of the Somali Studies Center of Puntland State University , including the Italian organization Perigeo International and local political and cultural Somalia.

For the first time in the history of Puntland was created an office to recover the relations between Italy and Somalia and the nucleus of an ethnographic museum that will work to save the Somali cultural heritage .

"What between Italy and the Somalia is a very strong relationship that has deep historical roots. We think and you also think that Italy and the Somalia countries are friends and we recognize that the true friend in need "as stated by the Vice-President of Puntland , Abdisamed Ali Shire .

The President of Puntland, Abdirashid Mohamed Hersi added that " The rebirth of the bond between our two peoples and our two countries can be a great relief for the wounded heart of Somalia ".

" waiting for years for the opportunity to renew relationships and relations with Italian authorities are interested in twinning and partnerships with our here in Somalia," said the Governor of Mudug Region, Ahmed Ali Salad that Perigeo association has entrusted the task of da portavoce a questa ferma volontà.

Il Sindaco di Galkayo, Abdurahman Mohamud Haji , ha aggiunto: “ La presenza dell’ufficio della Perigeo in città è un ottimo punto di partenza per la creazione di legami duraturi tra le nostre realtà, anche a livello locale. Abbiamo bisogno di sentirci vicini ai nostri fratelli italiani e di trovare canali che favoriscano la conoscenza reciproca in maniera diretta e capillare ”.

La missione italiana è stata composta da Gianluca Frinchillucci, direttore della Perigeo e dalla Responsabile Project organization Bacalini Laura.

The Somali representative of the project is Hussein Abukar who declared the will to make known the Puntland and bring our country, particularly in the cultural and social centers, cultural and social world through Italian and Perigeo non-profit organization.

The project is called Perigeo Museums without borders and is already active in the city of Kofale in Ethiopia (nell'Oromya) and three centers under construction in other areas of the country.

" Museums as Bridges of Peace between peoples and cultures, small Peacemaking operations. Retrieve and save the cultural heritage is crucial for the future of a people , "as stated Gianluca Frinchillucci , creator of the project.

The idea was initiated by Prof. Mohamed Jama , rector of the Puntland State Unversity of Galkayo: " After many years of absence on the Somali scene presents an opportunity for Italy be present along with other nations to contribute to the reconstruction of Somalia, that contribution can be decisive in re-establish the historical relations between the two peoples. Thank you Association for this important effort Perigeo "

The Puntland is a reality in Italy and Europe can not ignore and is often described in an opaque manner by the international media, giving the idea of \u200b\u200btotal absence of political power. Instead there are various levels of government that manage social and political affairs, who do not want break away from Somalia but rather act as a federal asset in the country.

" In Puntland Health is in urgent need of help and support from the international community. Here is one doctor per 40,000 inhabitants and we have the problem of refugee camps and we need volunteer doctors " uiQui as told Ali Abdullahi Warsame Perigeo , Minister of Health.

"We believe that revived hope of Puntland in Somalia - as Laura says Bacalini - and we Italians have a moral duty to help and support development projects and peace in Somalia .

For more information: Email

Prof. Mohamed Jama
Rector Puntland State University-GLK Building waranà
Galkayo, Mudug Region
Puntland, Somalia
+252-9 0-795005)

Gianluca Frinchillucci
Director International Association Perigeo
Via Quasimodo, 5
62012 Civitanova Marche (MC) - Italy
(mobile +39-3313800644).

Didascalie immagini:

1_ I membri della Perigeo incontrano il Vice Presidente del Puntland. Da sx On. Bashir Linen, membro del Parlamento e del Comitato della Sicurezza; Prof. Mohamed Jama Salad, Rettore Puntland State University-Glk; Ministro di Stato per la Sicurezza ; On. Abdisamed Ali Shire, Vice Presidente del Puntland; Dr. Gianluca Frinchillucci, Direttore della Perigeo International;Dr.ssa Laura Bacalini, Head of Design for the Perigeo International.

2_ The members of the perigee interview with the Minister of Health.

From left prof. Mohamed Jama Salad, Puntland State University-Glk Rector, Chief of Neurosurgery at a regional hospital in Galkayo, Mr Abdullahi Warsame Ali, the Puntland Minister of Health, Dr. Gianluca Frinchillucci, Director of International Perigeo; Bacalini Dr. Laura, Head Design for the Perigeo International.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Will Retaining Wall Blocks Explode With Heat

On the way to Somalia

a few days ago I returned from Nepal and I am already in another international airport ...
having arrived in Dubai yesterday and now I'm about to board a flight to Somalia .
is cultivated so that the dream of this journey in the horn of africa.

have been several times to work in Ethiopia and once I got close to the Somali border.
since then has been an obsession for me ... I am going down now for conosocere the current situation.

I was first invitation by the Somali authorities for a project of cooperation and go on behalf of Perigeo a very NPO active in the international arena.

will return to Italy on 16 and tell the journey sulk my blog.

last few days with the perigee and the legendary David Peluzzi we also have a TV on the Internet: EX-plore TV, tell you where our work in Somalia.

thank all friends and collaborators who have enabled this trip.