Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Updo For Military Balls

phrases Giuseppe Tucci

Among the concrete and the abstract

-In oriente si fa tutto con calma, con quell'equilibrio di cui si è perduto in occidente persino il ricordo; noi corriamo e ci manca il fiato, essi hanno il tempo per dimenticare il tempo, è il segreto per vivere ancora con se stessi, la meravigliosa facoltà che permette di restare in bilico tra noi e gli altri, tra il concreto e l'astratto.

-il Tibet è stato per molti anni il più grande amore della mia vita e lo è tutt'ora, tanto più caldo quanto più sembra difficile soddisfarlo con un nuovo incontro.

- in otto anni ne ho percorso gran parte in lungo e in largo: ho vissuto nei villaggi e nei monasteri, mi sono genuflesso dinanzi a maestri e immagini sacre, ho valicato insieme a carovanieri crossed mountains and deserts as vast as the sea. I have discussed religion and philosophy with monks learned.

- Emptiness is not nothingness, but the indiscriminate ground of being, which is always beyond and above all the endless and ever-changing shapes and appearances.

- Even in the bed of the stream the risks have not ended: the horses must gigantic steps down, two to three meters high, the caravan fill holes, smooth out lumps and open passages.

- Tibetans do not know what this anxiety of our research, this desire to know and experience everything, this desire to break, almost, the barriers of time and space, to recall the old, to reveal the unknown , that make it so meaningful, and even then tormenting the lives of us Westerners.

- we move to a winding trail that climbs up a precipitous cliff, which leads into a small plain cut by a ravine 150 meters wide and 200m deep at least, I have the impression that the whole caravan has to plunge from one moment to ' more.

- Tibetan is a 'bit like the Indian travel a lot, you want to walk, now hosted with quell'affabilità friendly which is proper to the east, now sleeping in the immense loneliness that are almost scary. The reason for this wandering is not the desire for new experiences, perhaps many of the places that pilgrims crossing, not known and does not see; in his weariness, in his hunger, he travels in his prayers to gain religious merit, to visit the sacred places of worship, pilgrimage to get closer to God is already a detachment from life, the detachment that almost all the Eastern religions postulate , as a prerequisite for the possession of God

- I envy the long rest of the merchants, who smoked his pipe cuddled on the edge of your shop and impenetrable of life that flows in front of them, as if suspended in un'impassibilità, not know if you thought or empty, but in any case escape.

- Thesis to watch out now we have no news of what happens inside us, that world that connects us in un'inconsapevole presente, con l'esperienze più remote dell'uomo, un'ondosa agitazione di paure e speranze, di aspettazioni e di ammonimenti.

- Io per natura ho sempre più creduto alle cose che non vedo, che a quelle di cui la scienza mi vuole far certo. Togli all'uomo l'imprevisto e il mistero, e il vivere si riduce ad un noioso transito di cibo.

-Più ancora che in altri paesi dell'oriente, nel Tibet, non si pensa a correggere, a modificare la natura, piuttosto ad essa ci si adotta e la si subisce, l'ostacolo non è mai avvertito nel mondo esterno, ma in quello interiore, quella titanica lotta contro natura e le sue leggi in cui noi occidentali siamo ingaggiati, è ignota Tibetans.

- not enough knowledge of the language and dialects, we must be able to gain the trust in these people, give her the impression that there is spiritual affinity between you and them, to leave the borders of their land ( glory or arrogance) of the European Union which is so difficult to undress. I always introduce myself as a disciple.

- now we feel the sympathy for one another, perhaps arising from unconscious similarity of feeling and thinking. He first seeing this gives me his friendship, one that derives precisely from commonality of feeling and harmony of two spirits, which involves a lot more common than the friendship between people.

- Knowledge is a mysterious harmony, whereby you become that person, are you confused with her.

- The West is beginning to infiltrate, with its weapons and then to Tibet will also start the joys of politics, in disputes that soured in the name of freedom will make the Tibetans more slaves.

- On every side only the arrogance of the huge rocks, the range that has no boundaries, the majesty of nature that crushes, man can not, it's a little thing that goes and disappears without a trace.

- Freedom is only proper to man, or man close to God, everything else is chatter, illusion, deception. "I have always imagined

that man a lot of trouble to save themselves and others, if instead of thinking about the good of others contemplating it, instead of fighting the wave looked idle in a field of spring or count the stars that rained in the summer sky.

- I do not like programs, carried away as a child, but then jump to the reaction as a cat that comes out of hiding, like a game of intelligence and will, between the barrier and the inertia of the resources' cunning .... that's why I feel very comfortable on these trips, not just, I mean, because research is my mission, but because they represent an escape from barbarism masked, conformist, in which every day precipita la vita, tutta uguale malgrado l'apparente diversità in superficie, un'affondarsi nella massa e non diluirsi nel comune, senza speranza in quella libertà gioiosa ed enigmatica nella quale l'uomo si ritrova solo con la propria luce e il proprio buio.


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