Thursday, August 16, 2007

Can You Stretch Labia With Tape

Ritorno dall'Irlanda

Che dire, sono tornato qualche giorno fa da una rigenerante vacanza in Irlanda... c'ero già stato 3 anni fa, visitando soltanto Dublino e Cork, questa volta avevo deciso assieme alla mia dolce metà di fare un Viaggio più che una vacanza.
Non starò a raccontare nel dettaglio com'è andata, solo qualche accenno ai posti visti e alle sensazioni provate.

Siamo partiti da Ciampino il 3 Agosto in mattinata, dopo una bizzarra avventura al check-in dove un anziano e scorbutico signore mi ha aggredito dicendo che non dovevo permettermi di dire a sua moglie (che non faceva la fila dietro a me ma come noto in Italia, di fianco in modo da creare la notissima "coda a cuspide italiana"), che stava di fianco alla coda e non dietro, che lui era invalido al 100% (fisicamente non mostrava alcuna invalidità ma non voglio pensar male) e che mi sarebbe passato davanti cosi avrei imparato, per finire la frase al posto del punto esclamativo ha elegantemente poggiato uno "stronzo!". Applaudito l'energumeno e visto il figlio (che poi era colui che doveva partire, i genitori lo stavano solo accompagnando) che sorrideva come a dire "che papa' forte che ho!" intanto che il vecchiardo continuava a lanciare improperi e insulti contro di me, la ragazza del check-in analizzato il tesserino di invalidità del furbetto va a visionare il foglio per il check-in del figlio che ancora rideva con fare ebete, e comunica al genitore che il suo beneamatissimo figliolo aveva la partenza per il 2 agosto, ossia il giorno prima e che oggi era il 3 agosto... E' inutile dire quanto godimento io abbia provato nel vedere questa scena, e nel veder andare via the happy family without a breath and conscious of having made a very candid and full figure of shit ... while a single sentence crossed my mind "I've got the power." Finally I took the plane and gloating satisfaction that from time to time (but only sometimes) the wide boys of the neighborhood, "Italian and ignorant are punished by divine justice (and only that).

We landed in Dublin for a quick look, we moved to Cork the next day where we had a little mishap with the hostel (who apparently did not receive the email reservation) quickly answered by the girl's B & B that has relocated to another apartment, after a few minutes I almost crush the goal of my beloved paintings Canon EOS 350D (great and faithful traveling companion), but it 's all right with S. UV filter which has taken the whole brunt dying in dignity with a small crack on the edge. Cork, already 'as before, I did not like most' that much, although I have enjoyed it more 'than 3 years ago, yet remains a town that would look like in Dublin but it seems to me a gray and dull.
we moved from Cork to Killarney, a charming town that has given us the light, if you happen to go visit the fantastic and huge park within the city, if you're lucky like me you might see deer walk free from a few meters from you. This place there 'remains in my heart for many reasons, first of all that green wave of the West of Ireland.

Let's start again the next day to Limerick, where unfortunately we had no way of getting around the city because of logistical problems, that 'despite what little we have seen coming and going by bus via by taxi to the station, and 'also industrialized, very little "Irish", like Cork. New departure for Galway on August 7, three days where we stop to enjoy the small but lovely and lively city full of greenery, music and street performers. We stayed in a B & B run by people who are simply delicious made available to us and gave us all the help possible, especially on the two tours we did on the second day on the beautiful Aran Islands and the third day in the Burren and the Cliffs of Moher.
The Aran Islands are truly timeless and the world whom I knew, a place where there is no 'TV, where he' only surrounded by the ocean, grass, stones, cows and donkeys. The island we visited, Inish Mor, the largest of the Aran Islands has given me feelings hard to describe, I can only advise anyone in Ireland happens to make us jump.
The second tour was very nice, green, green and only green and rocks, nothing more ... a pinch of disappointment Cliffs of Moher on for too many tourists and the walls erected not allowed to approach the cliff ... nonetheless a breathtaking spectacle. left from Galway we allowed ourselves the last two days in Dublin, where I had to celebrate my birthday with a good Irish breakfast (did not think I can do it) a good day of shopping and leisure, and finally a simple dinner with a Guinness closing.
course the story could be much longer than this, but maybe I have dwelt too much already, I can just put the online photo album with a bit of Ireland ... Perhaps the images speak louder than words.

The worst feeling I had during the whole journey (feeling that it is not even gone after my return) was fit to hear a visceral hatred for the Italians and more specifically for ITALIAN TOURISTS. We disgust and pity. We are stupid and ignorant, arrogant, conceited, argumentative, rude and pretentious. We really recognize us for our ways of doing things unworthy, and ashamed of this ... we have the complex of pea shorter in Italy and then as the petty and vulgar ignorant we are basing them on our unmatched fanaticism that Italian and 'the best of all, w Italy and that' the country's most 'beautiful c' and 'that the Italians are best at everything but the beer they do in Ireland and other amenities of this kind. We have the most pea 'short of everyone and what disturbs us, not we just admit it and we play to those with the most pea' long. "Oh, but how you eat in Italy", "Eh, but the coffee 'and pasta in Italy ...", we compare ONLY THAT, why is clear. Because it 's true that we have good food but it is also true that we do not have anything that can compare, nor civilization', nor the legality, 'or the quality' of life, nothing. So any tourist vulgar that you hear, will talk about 'SURELY food. This and 'the Italian Italiot abroad. We are ridiculous, we always want to have the myth of what most 'GRANDE, most of what' good, most of it ' BELLA. We are always in competition and we are simply ridiculous.
It 's not to have won the World Cup that makes a nation better than the others, this may escape many Italians,' cause football is not an important thing in life of human beings.



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